Thursday, December 31, 2009

Charlie's First Birthday

The day was full of a playdate with our friends CJ and Lillia followed by opening of presents and then cake. It is a busy time of year and we all made quite the effort to keep the birthday separate from Christmas activities. He was a bit scared of his cake I think and didn't actually eat any of it. I probably made it a bigger deal than it needed to be but it is kind of fun to see a 1 year old destroy a cake. Owen enjoyed a huge cupcake to go with the celebration and ofcourse helped open all of the gifts. It is interesting how much owen is playing with Charlie's new toys vs his own. Jealous much? Not sure but our house is a MESS. Hope everyone had a great holiday!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

California trip

We ventured down to Orange county in early December to celebrate Don's Birthday early and to enjoy family and some sunshine. Owen, bob and Jill took a day down to Legoland with Aunt Jean and cousin Henry and had a great time. The weather was perfect and the boys had such a great time. Owen had to get his face painted in a big black spider which continued to become a giant mess as the day wore on . We had lots of visits from all family members from both sides of the family and it was such fun to see everyone. Owen even tried to be a drummer as that is what he wants to be when he grows up. Lucky me! happiness to soon