Sunday, June 13, 2010

We haven't posted in a while, it has been a bit busy with swimming, soccer and the end of school. We have enjoyed a beautiful weekend of warm weather and lots of sunshine, taking advantage by going to the park and the zoo.

Owen had Kindergarten orientation last week, rode the bus and met some new friends. I didn't bring my camera, wanted to wait for the real thing.

Charlie is all over the place walking and running and kicking the soccer ball. Both boys are growing like weeds!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Swimming Owen

We continue with our swimming lessons for owen and he is doing great. we go twice a week and he just loves it. charlie and I sit and watch, we have tried to walk the track at the YMCA one time but Owen was a bit upset. I know that I will be able to do it again soon, just have to ease into.

we continue to be very busy with the boys, work and keeping up with the house. the weather has been pretty nice the last few days so we are trying to be out as much as possible. Charlie is a fulltime walker and is so pleased with himself, he walks around with a big smile all the time. He is also trying to feed himself which is absolutely the most frustrating thing in the world but he is getting better I think.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

new baby

I am really hoping that this works. We are gearing up for a new little one in the house and I got some pictures from my OB visit today. It looks to me like the little one is jumping like a kangaroo. OWen is excited and is helping to fix up his room so charlie can be his new roommate. We will be very excited to welcome a girl and so far that is what it looks like. No promises yet.

Owen is busy with swim classes as he starts a new session. He is doing very well in school and is eager for kindergarten to start. He has a bit of time but loves school none the less.

Charlie is still trying to walk and continues to get so excited that he falls over. He has a lot of bumps and bruises from falling but gets right back up. Charlie is entering his "daddy phase" where he can't get enough of bob. Once again, mom gets left out but Owen is right there waiting for a partner to play Uno or Sorry. Watch out, he will kick your butt in almost any game that we have.

We are having a good time with these boys and eagerly await the newest addition to the family.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Charlie's First Birthday

The day was full of a playdate with our friends CJ and Lillia followed by opening of presents and then cake. It is a busy time of year and we all made quite the effort to keep the birthday separate from Christmas activities. He was a bit scared of his cake I think and didn't actually eat any of it. I probably made it a bigger deal than it needed to be but it is kind of fun to see a 1 year old destroy a cake. Owen enjoyed a huge cupcake to go with the celebration and ofcourse helped open all of the gifts. It is interesting how much owen is playing with Charlie's new toys vs his own. Jealous much? Not sure but our house is a MESS. Hope everyone had a great holiday!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

California trip

We ventured down to Orange county in early December to celebrate Don's Birthday early and to enjoy family and some sunshine. Owen, bob and Jill took a day down to Legoland with Aunt Jean and cousin Henry and had a great time. The weather was perfect and the boys had such a great time. Owen had to get his face painted in a big black spider which continued to become a giant mess as the day wore on . We had lots of visits from all family members from both sides of the family and it was such fun to see everyone. Owen even tried to be a drummer as that is what he wants to be when he grows up. Lucky me! happiness to soon

Monday, November 23, 2009

Just wanted to add some more pictures. Chalie has horrible diaper rash so he has been crawling around naked a lot lately. I love naked baby butt!!!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween and stuff

So a lot has been going on ofcourse with halloween and getting into fall. Owen dressed as Skeleton bones for halloween, just as long as it had a mask.....and Charlie tried to be a giraffe but it was just too big so we settled for a great race car driver jumpsuit thing (pj's from costco!). we had a great night in a wonderful neighborhood which started with a halloween party at Sophies with activities, dinner and games, then trick or treating in the famous neighborhood whitley hills. People drive their kids in and they hire cops to police the area because there are so many people.....600 I think last year. Owen was very much into ringing doorbells and saying trick or treat and actually walked inside a few houses...we have some ironing out to do next year. he had so much fun. Charlie was great in his stroller, managed to stay awake for over 7 hours - very long stretch for him and he didn't get cranky. it was great.

Soccer ended in the middle of October and he had a great time. I think we might try t-ball in the spring...not sure yet. We love watching football on Sundays and going out and playing a little ball in the front yard.

Charlie has started crawling and we are busying pulling dog bowls out of the way and watching that he doesn't get too stuck. Gates are back up and we are very busy watching the two run wild.