Monday, June 15, 2009

Summer Fun June 09

6-15-09. We have had a busy couple of days enjoying the nice weather as we enter the third week without rain. Some people are beginning to act strange without the rain. I love it. It means more time at the park and outside in the backyard. Charlie has started using his johnny jump up and just loves it. Although he is not jumping, just swinging, he is very content.

Owen has been busy at the park, up the ladders, down the firepole and swinging, lots of swinging. He can pump the swing now and has just started jumping off, oh the things you learn at daycare/preschool. He loves to play with other kids at the park and tries to find a new friend each time. He is working on holding his breath in the bathtub with his goggles to get ready to swim in papa chip's pool. He is getting better.

Bob and Owen went for summer hair cuts and despite my protests, I am slowly learning that I no longer have a say in the length of my sons hair. Summer cut it is, shall we say buzz cut. I miss the curls but know that they will be back in a matter of weeks. It also makes him look 6 instead of 3. We are actively planning the 4th birthday party and will keep everyone up to date!

Monday, June 8, 2009

ok here is some more video that I hope that everyone can see. this is charlie having a grand time in his baby einstein on sunday june 7. we were having some down time while bob and owen went shopping for new shoes - thomas shoes that light up no less! enjoy

ok this may be the way to see some video of the kids. thanks to jean for the idea. I am hoping that I can make this work. if so then I may be able to keep people updated better. lets hope this works!

This video was taken at the gig harbor maritime festival that the boys and I went to this weekend. this is from sunday when the school bands were playing. owen was totally into it. he also thoroughly enjoyed watching the "dunk a cop" and he threw a baseball and DUNKED the COP. He had 3 throws and dunked him on the third one, it was great! more later, I hope that everyone can see this!